Thorpe Primary School

Where we all can shine

0113 5217040

Dolphin Lane, Thorpe, Wakefield,
West Yorkshire, WF3 3DG

Go to our Earth Day Home Learning Page to see some fantastic work.

Earth Day is April 22nd of every year. This year is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.

The idea of Earth Day first came from those people fighting the 1969 Santa Barbra oil spill. It is said that an American senator was flying over the disaster in an aeroplane and was so shocked by the scale of it that he decided to create a Day to help prevent future cases.

Earth Day started in the USA on 22nd April 1970. 20 million Americans began protesting about the destruction of our plant. The environment was being damaged and in crisis because of things like oil spills, smog and polluted rivers. Since this day, it had become a worldwide event.

 The theme for Earth Day 2020 is climate action. Climate change represents an enormous challenge to the future of humanity and the life-support systems that make our world habitable. 

As a way to celebrate this day, our beautiful planet and create awareness around the subject of climate change, we would love it if you could join us in completing some of the activities below this week and share the children's work with us via Tapestry, Class Dojo or

In addition to the activities below, there is a live Science Video linked to Earth Day every day this week at 11am.

Earth Day research

Use Earth Day website to write a non-chronological report, PowerPoint or poster about Earth Day and the importance of taking action.

Greta Thunberg

Research Greta Thunberg and what she stands for. Create a fact file about her important campaining. Have a look at these newsround clips and Greta Thunberg facts to help you.  

Green Fingers

Plant some seeds and look after them until they grow. Could they be something that you could then eat? If so, use what you have grown in a meal. How do you think growing our own food helps the environment?

Wild Art

Create some wild art using things found in your garden or whilst you are out on your daily exercise. .

Getting Baking

Bake something to celebrate Earth Day. Find out where the ingredients have come from and what impact this will have had on the environment. 


Why don’t you use something that you might have thrown away and turn it in to something else? For example: plastic packaging is great for growing plants in.


Explore the positive impact that this lockdown has had on the environment in your local area, in our country and all over the world. For example, fish, swans and seabirds have been seen in the canals in Venice and the water is now crystal clear for the first time in many, many years.

Be a Journalist

This year the UK experienced lots of flooding and many people think this happened because of climate change. Research this and produce a newspaper report or a video yourself giving a news report on the topic. 


Have a discussion with the grown-ups in your house about what you are currently recycling and if there is anything else that can be done to recycle even more. Make a list of all the materials you recycle in your house.


Write About It

Write a persuasive letter to someone persuading them to reduce, reuse and recycle to help the environment.

Litter Pickers

During your daily exercise, why not pick up any litter that you see and throw it away? Make sure you have adult supervision and use gloves.


Write your own poem about looking after the earth. You could even record yourself performing it.


Shout about it

Create a poster or banner to encourage other people to make positive changes in their lives to help the environment. This could include facts about the damage being done and ways in which they can help. 


How is wildlife being impacted by climate change and pollution? Use this information leaflet to do some research and create your own poster or PowerPoint on the topic.