Thorpe Primary School

Where we all can shine

0113 5217040

Dolphin Lane, Thorpe, Wakefield,
West Yorkshire, WF3 3DG

Welcome to Year 4

Year 4 is an important year for our children. Children are provided with a wide range of learning opportunities, continuing to grow in their confidence, knowledge and skills as they move towards Upper Key Stage Two.

Year 4 provides pupils with a wide range of learning opportunities both individually and in small teams. Pupils begin to express themselves in more detail through their written work and become more fluent in subjects such as Maths and Reading. 

Miss Smith is the Year 4 class teacher. Our support staff in KS2 are Mrs Stancliffe, Mrs Watson, Mr McGroarty, Mrs Kaye and Mrs Appleyard. 

Please make sure children bring in their link book and reading book every day. Please use the link book to record when your child has read at home. 

Homework Expectations: Please make sure your child reads at home daily. Children should be using TT Rockstars at home each week. Children will be giving spellings every Monday. Please make sure your child practices their spellings at home ready for the spelling test on the following Monday. 

What we are learning:

What we are learning in Autumn 1:

Useful Links