Thorpe Primary School

Where we all can shine

0113 5217040

Dolphin Lane, Thorpe, Wakefield,
West Yorkshire, WF3 3DG

School Council

At Thorpe we want to give all our pupils the opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions and have a say in the decisions that affect their learning and well-being.

One of the main ways we do this at Thorpe is by having an an active school council who act as a link between the children and the Senior Leadership Team and help to improve everyone's experience. Every year, each class elects two pupils to represent them, we hold regular meetings throughout the academic year and complete tasks alongside the staff.


Our School Council:

  • Attending meetings
  • Listen to the views and opinions of others and effectively communicate these in meetings 
  • Strive to make the school a better place
  • Collect the viewpoints of pupils
  • Have special responsibility for something important in the school
  • Work in collaboration with the Senior Leadership Team  to audit and improve areas of the school.

Personal Qualities of Team Members

  • Impartial
  • Reliable
  • Responsible
  • Friendly and approachable
  • Good listeners
  • Honest and sensible
  • Hardworking
  • Able to uphold and demonstrate the school's positive values 
  • Organised