Our Curriculum
Click on the images below to see what each year group learns across the academic year.
The impact of our curriculum at Thorpe is monitored through:
- Pupil achievement data
- Behaviour records analysis
- Extra-Curricular registers
- Pupil questionnaires
- Pupil Voice
- Parent questionnaires
- Lesson observations
- Book looks
We aim for children to leave Thorpe Primary school with the knowledge to equip them for the demands of the KS3 curriculum and the skills to help them to be successful in wider life.
At Thorpe Primary School our curriculum is designed to inspire lifelong learning by unlocking potential and removing barriers for our children. We aim to provide opportunities for all children to develop as independent, resilient, confident and successful learners with high aspirations. Our curriculum has been developed alongside our three key values.
We believe that our key values will create happy, thoughtful and successful individuals who will contribute to society throughout their lives. We believe that if our values are embedded, our pupils will demonstrate them beyond the classroom and school grounds; the values will equip them for a better life.
Our curriculum teaches children how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society. It provides all of our children equality of experience and opportunity, regardless of their background or starting point. We strive to create opportunities for children to challenge themselves in our setting and to develop confidence and improve their levels of self –esteem. We aim to teach children how to co-operate with each other and how to work successfully as part of a group. We set high expectations in order for them to learn rules and establish boundaries and reach their full potential in each subject area.
We plan in discrete subjects, each year group cover a breadth of topics, with alternate history and geography units each half term. Our focus on curriculum development promotes teaching and learning experiences which are always carefully designed to ensure coverage and progression against the national curriculum objectives. We use schemes of learning, advocated by the DFE and our local authority, in order to plan, asses and monitor some subjects A strong programme is in place to enhance the children’s opportunities in physical activity and the arts. This provides pupils with memorable experiences & development of resilience and confidence, creating diverse and rich opportunities from which children can learn and develop a range of transferable skills.
Subject leaders play an important part in the success of the curriculum by leading a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review where impact and outcomes for all children are always central. A clear vision for each subject is in place which promotes a highly inclusive environment where learners enjoy their education and pupils at all levels are helped to achieve their potential. Children are carefully monitored each half term and both support and further challenge offered to those pupils who are identified. Signposting to local attractions and established groups is a recognised strength of the curriculum at Thorpe and parents and carers are made aware of opportunities outside of school, in the wider community, to widen children’s experiences and promote the further development of their interests and skills.
Thorpe is a highly inclusive environment, with a large percentage of pupils with special educational needs/disabilities. Pupils with additional needs access the main curriculum at Thorpe and some also a separate ‘life skills’ curriculum, which is carefully planned to personalise their education against B-squared and personal EHCP and IEP targets.