Thorpe Primary School

Where we all can shine

0113 5217040

Dolphin Lane, Thorpe, Wakefield,
West Yorkshire, WF3 3DG


The Importance of Good Attendance and Punctuality

Regular attendance at school is vital to help children get the best possible start in life.

Children who frequently miss school often fall behind and there is a strong link between good school attendance and achieving good results.

Please contact us if you are experiencing any difficulties in getting your child into school, our Attendance and Welfare Officer, Mrs Abbott can provide support to improve your child's attendance and can be contacted on 0113 5217040 or parents@thorpe.leeds.sch

Click here to read our Attendance Policy

Our % Attendance week ending 10th May 2024*

*Our Attendance Target for the whole school and individual pupils is 95%.

Your Responsibilities as a Parent

All children aged between 5 and 16 are required by law to receive an education, and it is the duty of parents and carers to ensure that they are supported to do so.

For more information on your statutory responsibilities, check out Leeds City Council's One Minute Guide.

If your child is ill

Children sometimes have to miss school because of illness or medical issues.

If this is the case, parents should contact school the same day on 0113 5217040 and choose Option 1 to let us know the reason for their absence and when we can expect them back in school.

Please contact school with an update on each day of the child's absence.


Medical Appointments

If your child needs to be absent from school to attend a medical appointment, please let us know in advance.

We will also ask you to provide evidence, such as an appointment letter or appointment card. 



Term Time Holidays

Schools are unable to authorise term time holidays and information regarding term time holiday absence will be passed to the Leeds Attendance Team, who may issue a fine.

Taking your child out of school at any time of the year has a large impact on their education. Our curriculum is densely packed and the children continue learning right through to the end of the academic year. Your child could miss out on important teaching and learning and other school activities which may lead to gaps in their understanding the following year.

Our Responsibilities as a School

Our attendance target is 95% for the school and individual pupils; we have several measures in place to help us achieve and maintain this which you can read about below.

Attendance and Welfare Officer        

Mrs Abbott is the first point of contact regarding absence and any enquiries about attendance, including exceptional leave requests.

If you are experiencing any difficulties that are affecting your child's attendance or punctuality, contact her on 0113 5217040, Option 1 or 

Persistent Absenteeism

Pupils with attendance of 90% or lower are considered to be persistently absent from school. Pupils with poor attendance are closely monitored and if necessary we will make referrals to Leeds Attendance Team.

Parents and carers may be subject to a fine if their child does not attend school on a regular basis.


Non-Reporting of Absence

If your child is absent and we don't receive a reason we will contact you via telephone in the first instance. 

If we fail to make contact, you may receive a voicemail, email or text asking you to contact school. 

If we fail to make contact regarding a child's absence, we may make a home visit as part of our safeguarding procedures.